Come Share Life with Us

at 319 Granby Road, South Hadley, MA

May 5, 9AM:
Sunday school for children of all ages
May 11, 9AM-11AM:
Church clean up day
May 12, 1PM:
Ascension Hike at the Summit House – bring a lunch! 
(hikers meet at the trailhead at noon – come to church or email for trail details) 
May 19, 2PM:
Grace Notes concert featuring music director Ania Bostock & featured students. Admission is a freewill offering benefiting the South Hadley Food Pantry.

Sunday school for children of all ages:
every first Sunday of the month at 9AM, September through May. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Anna at 

Out of town? Want to check us out online before you visit in person? Staying home? Worship with us online!
Our services are live-streamed every Sunday on our 
YouTube Channel and Facebook page.)

Our Savior’s is where tradition and inclusivity meet. 
Our worship follows a pattern called liturgy that will be familiar to many Christians, especially those familiar with Catholic and/or mainline Protestant worship. We read four Scripture passages each Sunday, we share the Eucharist every Sunday (and sometimes on other days, too!), and we tell the whole story of Jesus through the church year with Christians around the world. 

We are also a church that practices the hospitality of Jesus: no matter who you are or where you’ve been, where you’re from, or whom you love, you can find a home with us.
We can’t wait to meet you.

For more information about our small, unique, personality-filled, and vibrant congregation, see below! 

Our Savior’s Lutheran is where tradition and inclusivity meet.

We are “radical joy in action: responding to Christ’s love with abundant joy and overflowing generosity.” 

Our values shape our community’s identity.
Our Savior’s is:

  • Sacramental. Our life together is formed around baptism, where God claims us as beloved and where we promise to support one another in life and faith, and communion, where we meet Christ together at the table.
  • Inclusive. Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here. Really. No matter who you are, where you’re from, how you grew up, how you vote, how much money you have or don’t have, what your gender identity is or was, or whom you love, you can find a home with us. All we ask is that you treat others with the same care and respect that you expect for yourself. That’s it.
  • A family. Connections formed at Our Savior’s have been known to last a lifetime. We support one another, we share meals, we travel together, we serve together, we laugh, we cry, and we disagree, but most of all, we love and respect each other. You’re welcome to join our family, too!
  • Generous. As Lutherans, we believe that you can’t earn God’s love, you can only live in response to it. Inspired and transformed by that love, we’re motivated to serve one another and our neighbors with joy. We give our resources, our time, and use our individual skills together for a wide variety of social causes.
  • Joyful. Put simply, we’re a little ridiculous, in the best way. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, and we’re convinced that church should be somewhere you want to go, not somewhere you have to go. If you believe that too, come and meet us!